Dr Alice Newton is a Professor in the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences (DCTMA), Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT) of the University of Algarve (UAlg) Portugal). She is a member of Portugal’s Institute of Marine Research (IMAR); the Marine and Environmental Research Center (CIMA); a Council member of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA); the European Engagement Partner of Future Earth Coasts, (FEC, formally LOICZ) and a member of RAMSAR Mediterranean Wetlands Scientific and Technical Network Climate Change Specialist Group; a member of the Future Earth Ocean Knowledge Action Network development team; a member of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) Science Executive Committee;

About Me

Thank-you for visiting my homepage I have tried to provide a brief description of my professional activities with links to more detailed information for anyone who may want to know more.

My professional activity consists of research, consultancy, teaching (undergraduate level, postgraduate level) and research supervision.

Summary of major achievements

  • Chairperson of international project LOICZ-Land ocean interactions in the Coastal Zone (2009-2011)
  • Vice-Chairperson of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project
  • European engagement partner of Future Earth Coasts.
  • 13 international Fellowships and Scholarships
  • Researcher in 18 international projects and 11 national research projects, as coordinator, work package leader or participant
  • More than 100 publications in ISI Journals and 14 publications in conference proceedings (since 2003)
  • 9 Chapters in books
  • Guest Editor of 7 special issues of journals
  • Member of 12 Editorial boards of Journals and 1 Book series as well as the Coastal Wiki
  • More than 50 invited or keynote speeches and oral presentations
  • More than 50 poster presentations in international conferences
  • 3 interviews for television programmes, including one in EuroNews
  • Organization of more than 50 scientific events (Conferences, Symposia, Special sessions, Workshops) as Chairperson, co-chair, Convener and co-convener
  • Supervised 11 postdocs, 25 doctoral candidates, 4 research fellows, 68 master students, and 8 undergraduate honours projects.

High Level Consultancy to Government, Departments and Research Councils

  • National Institute of Water-Portugal, Directorate for Marine Resources-Portugal, (Marine Strategy Framework Directive);
  • Environment Directorate-Norway, (Marine Management Plans for North Sea and Skagerrak);
  • Ministry of Environment, Denmark, (Eutrophication of coastal waters);
  • Environment Protection Agency-USA, (Nutrient criteria);
  • European Environment Agency, (Eutrophication);
  • European Joint Research Centre, (Water Framework Directive);
  • European Commission, DG Research, (Bioeconomy);
  • UNEP Regional Seas commissions, (Indicators);
  • OSPAR (Oslo-Paris Convention for the North East Atlantic) Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Plan;
  • Ramsar convention (Mediterranean Wetlands/Scientific Technical Network/Specialist Group/Climate change);
  • European Research Executive Agency of the European Commission (Blue growth panel: Vice-Chairperson, rapporteur, expert)
  • European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (European Innovation Council accelerator, expert)
  • European Research Executive Agency of the European Commission
  • European University Association, (Joint masters)
  • European Commission, DG Research, (assessment of research proposals, 7FP and H2020)
  • European Science Foundation, (assessment of research proposals)
  • Fundação da Ciência e da Tecnologia Portugal, (assessment of research proposals);
  • Irish Research Council, (assessment of research proposals);
  • National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) – NCN Poland, (assessment of research proposals);
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, (assessment of research proposals);
  • National Environment Research Council, UK, (assessment of research proposals);
  • Swedish Research Council, (assessment of research proposals).

Downloadable CVs

Academic Activities

BSc, First Cycle

link-iconProcessos Quimicos nos Oceanos
Undergraduate course in Marine and Coastal Management, Chemical Oceanografic Processes Module

link-iconImpacto do Homen nos Oceanos
Undergraduate course in Marine and Coastal Management, Human Imapcts on the Ocean Module

MSc, Second Cycle

Master in Marine and Coastal Systems
Eutrophication and Harmful Algal Blooms

link-iconEMMC WACOMA
Erasmus Mundus Master in Water and Coastal Management


Publication List (18 pages) updated July2021

Contact Me

CIMA- Center for Marine and Environmental Research,
DCTMA- Department of Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences,
Gambelas Campus, University of Algarve
8005-139 Faro, Portugal